A hypnotic pink feline on a mission

Meet Hypnocat, the fluffy pink purveyor of electrical recycling. His mission? Curb the fastest growing waste stream in the UK by hypnotising the nation into recycling their electricals, rather than binning them.

increased levels of
electrical recycling



cost per
action claimed


The Challenge

As the world has become more and more obsessed with technology, a new environmental challenge has emerged - the recycling of electronics. Material Focus set out to reduce the thousands of tons of unwanted electricals being sent to landfill in the UK every year, and the 527M items hoarded in homes -75% of which could be recycled into anything from children’s playgrounds to lifesaving equipment.

Attention Seeking

For such a huge task, we needed to work hard to change behaviour. We set out to persuade audiences to stop binning their electricals by creating an attention grabbing campaign that would:

a) raise awareness of the issues and

b) provide easy ways of acting, so that

c) others would follow suit - tapping into the value of ‘social proof’.

And so, HypnoCat was born!


500k people either started or increased their levels of electrical recycling due to the campaign

38% of audiences claimed that the campaign changed their behaviour

£0.50 cost per claimed action

Media Mix

Outdoor, TV, Digital Display, Radio.


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